Jinka Hospital Secondary Eye Care Unit
Morris Kahn
Morris Kahn, born in South Africa in 1930, realized his dream when immigrating to Israel from South Africa in 1957. Approximately a decade later, he made his mark in the business world with the founding of Israel’s Yellow Pages. This success paved the way for many others, the most notable of which was the establishment of Amdocs.
Using his wealth to help others, he continues to support a wide range of philanthropic endeavors, including many that improve the health and well being of many who would otherwise not have access to medical care and therapy. In addition to providing surgery at Jinka to Ethiopians living in remote villages; Mr Kahns philanthropic project include Save A Child’s Heart, which performs catheterizations and surgery on third world children suffering from life threatening heart disease and congenital defects, and also trains medical teams from these countries; as well as the Therapeutic Riding and Dog Training Center, which specializes in equine and canine assisted therapy for people with special needs; among others. Other health-related activities that Morris supports focus on research and development in the the fields of genetics and biotechnology.